Monday, June 14, 2010

The last day of school was field day. I had to miss it for staff devolopment for summer MDO. I am thankful Tim could go and he took some great pictures.

Kaden and his friends in his class he is really
missing them this summer.

Kaden's team won most of the games. Go orange team!!!

It was a very hot day I'm so glad the kiddos got a chance to get wet.

Kaden's favorite part of the day.
I have enjoyed my 3 weeks off from MDO with my boys. I got some of my time off todo list marked off. So I changed it to a summer todo list. Tomorrow its time to go back to MDO. Kaden is excited about the summer program and all the fun things he gets to do. He also has his teacher from K5 for the summer and has some of his friends in his class from school. Karson will be happy to get back into a routine as well.

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