Saturday, December 7, 2024

Diversity In Literature

 Part One - Past Cultural Experience in the Classroom 

    In my experiences in the classroom growing up I did not see much cultural diversity in the

 classroom literature. This is something that has grown in importance over time. Books did not include

 cultural experiences in my elementary classroom literature or in the library time. As I have observed in

 the classroom the past few years I have seen the growth in having cultural literature in the classroom. In

 the past few years books included different holidays and celebrations. Cultural experience in literature the

 students can see and can connect their experiences to what they see in the literature they are reading. 

    In one of my observations for ELAR there was a project presentation that students wrote about their

 December holiday experience. The project included a few paragraphs of the students traditions and a

 book about their culture and experiences. This project stood out to me and how the students learned about

 each other and they were able to share something about themselves. This was a great way to build

 relationships in the classroom and learn about each other. In resources and print outs I have seen the most

 diversity integrated into the lessons and print outs. 

Part Two -  Culturally Responsive in Literacy

    A culturally responsive educator includes several elements. First that students are seen and their

culture is seen . That the classroom environment is a safe place to share and differences are respected..

The issues that need to be addressed would include getting to know your students and invite your

students to teach you. Include the students in planning and adding to the classroom library and read


    Some ways I will implement culturally responsive literacy practices includes different spaces in

the classroom to give what their body needs. Quiet spaces for introverts and social spaces for

extroverts. Spaces for movements and pieces in the classroom for individual movement needs. Another way I

would implement is books in the classroom library that students can connect with. The past few years

I have had a few kids I have helped care for for a season. In one of our first training sessions we were

encouraged to add books, shows, and toys of many races and cultures. Some of our favorites this past year

we keep in our home library include

This book is favorite. Zuzu's hair needs to be extra special and after some trouble and
 trying to do her own hair, her dad helps her with a beautiful new hair style. This book includes affirmations and shows how different hair types are all beautiful. 

This book is about loving your hair and how all hair is best. This book shows diversity 
and the beauty of all hair. 

We love this book and how it covers that she is enough just the way she is. 

This book also shows many races and also that everyone faces projects differently. How each piece would also be different but the way each person approaches it although different is not bad if someone does something a different way than you. That thier is beauty in differences. 

This book tells the story of a girl who has a family tradition of making a floral crown straight from her grandmas garden. This book is a great reinforcement of positive affirmations and character traits. That although each crown is different they are beautiful. 


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