Please pray for everyone effected by this. My Brother-in-law and
Sister-in-law evacuated today from Beaumont.
The Boardwalk has a Build-a-bear. Kaden has been wanting a Batman suite for Scott his bear.
This is Scott before we lost one of his gloves.
I also had a few things to get for Kaden before school starts next Tuesday. I found a great pair of shoes at Stride Rite for him. I also found some outfits for the boys I have been waiting months to go on sale for 70% off each piece at Carters. I hope I got the right sizes its hard to try them on when the boys are both grumpy and ready to go.
We also went to Target so Kaden could spend some of his Birthday money. He was very excited to find Speedracer house shoes.
This morning while we were getting ready to go to meet Kaden's teacher and see his classroom. Kaden was excited and running through the house. I heard a boom and then crying. His little face is brused but is looking much better tonight.
Uncle Nathan and Karsee.
After the party everyone got in the pool.
When we got in the car to drive home. Kaden said "I had a good Speedracer party" and went right to sleep.
My niece Kaylin
After lunch we went to see Grannies new library. She is awesome and very creative.
Kaden's favorite part of the school tour.
Tonight Tim and I went on a date. I have to say it was the best date in the 8 years that I have known him.
I gave Chipotle a second chance and now I have a new favorite place to eat.