The other day after I had sat Kaden in timeout Karson crawled over and put himself in timeout.
Saturday, January 31, 2009
Friday, January 30, 2009
Good Find Friday - E-Mealz
I wanted to try E-Mealz out a couple of weeks before I recommended it. I have really enjoyed using the service.
This service has helped me with dinner. I really needed a mealtime make-over as the e-mealz website says. For only a $1.25 per week I login and print 2 pages (you can see samples on the website) one with your meal plan and recipes and the other is your shopping list. My grocery food bill has been cute in half.
The meals are kid-friendly and are based on the sales at the store each week.
There are many meal plans to choose from.
Check it out here ---
This service has helped me with dinner. I really needed a mealtime make-over as the e-mealz website says. For only a $1.25 per week I login and print 2 pages (you can see samples on the website) one with your meal plan and recipes and the other is your shopping list. My grocery food bill has been cute in half.
The meals are kid-friendly and are based on the sales at the store each week.
There are many meal plans to choose from.
Check it out here ---
Thursday, January 29, 2009
On the road.
I am taking a bloggy break. I am on the road to Dallas with the boys to visit family. I will not have access to the Internet so I will catch you up on all the fun on Monday. I did schedule some posts while I am away.
It was a good box.
I was saving a good box to put some garage sale things in. After dinner the other night Kaden asked to play in it and then Karson climbed in it and before I knew it my boys (Tim, Kaden, and Karson) had taken it apart.
Who needs toys when there is a box around.
Who needs toys when there is a box around.
Wednesday, January 28, 2009
A busy day and a monkey crawl.
Today has been a day of laundry, dress up (Kaden putting all his superhero costumes on), chasing after Karsee to get him dressed and packing for our trip to Dallas.
Karsee giving kisses to the handsom baby in the mirror.
After ___ many changes of cloths (I lost count) this is what Kaden wanted to wear today. I am going to have him change before we leave for church. I love the bright green socks.
Monkey Crawl
Wednesday - Preschool Book Review

There are many more in this series by Eric Hill.
Tuesday, January 27, 2009
Can I get a dog?
This question has been asked many times lately. Kaden really wants a dog. He got a DOG book for Christmas and asks me to read it most nights and then he shows me which breed he wants which is pictured above it doesn't change he wants a long haired chihuahua and wants to name him Rooney. We are not dog people. I do like them I just want them to live with someone else. We used to have a dog and had to get rid of her for many reasons after Kaden was born. I always say we will see when he asks. Then the other night I told him that dogs are alot of work and he said "I know Momma you have to give them dog water, big bags of dog food, and take them for walks". I know all boys need a dog. Maybe in a few years but not now.
Monday, January 26, 2009
Heart Burn
This is really random and wierd but I was cooking lunch for the boys today and my hand grazed the hot oven and burned my hand in a couple of places. Tonight while cooking dinner I looked down and one of my burns are heart shaped. Weird and random I know.
Saturday, January 24, 2009
Last night was not as bad. Karson only woke up a couple of times and went back to sleep after taking his medicine.
This morning Tim let me sleep in and he also cooked breakfast. When I woke up the boys had been fed.
Kaden took his medicine this morning. I gave it to him a tiny bit at a time with drinks in between. It worked and Kaden took all of it without any ending up on me.
This morning Tim let me sleep in and he also cooked breakfast. When I woke up the boys had been fed.
Kaden took his medicine this morning. I gave it to him a tiny bit at a time with drinks in between. It worked and Kaden took all of it without any ending up on me.
Friday, January 23, 2009
Night and Day
I think Karsee is confused right now the past few nights he has been up and last night it was most of the night. I tried and tried for hours to get my baby to rest. I used all the tricks in the book. Finally I think around 3 or 4 in the morning we watched a Baby Einstein video Old MacDonald which is his favorite and then he went to sleep.
Kaden was put to bed around 8:30pm and finally went to sleep around 11pm. I did read that one of his medicine side effects is trouble sleeping. So I did not really get much sleep last night.
Tim got up early with Kaden and let me sleep in but I had to get up and get ready to take Kaden in to get his hair cut. Tim kept Karson at home and Kaden and I had some one on one bonding time. After Kaden got his hair cut we returned some movies and enjoyed a nice Vietnamese lunch together at Pho. Yes my 4 year old likes Pho.
When we got home Tim had Karson down for a nap so I went ahead and took one too. Much needed and helped me get through the day.
I am hoping for a better night. Also Kaden is having trouble taking his liquid breathing treatment. It does not taste very well and he spits it out which is a new trick. If he doesn't take it I am going to have to call the doctor to get the machine and mask thing. Please pray he starts taking it. Thank you for reading I know it was a bunch of rambling.
Kaden was put to bed around 8:30pm and finally went to sleep around 11pm. I did read that one of his medicine side effects is trouble sleeping. So I did not really get much sleep last night.
Tim got up early with Kaden and let me sleep in but I had to get up and get ready to take Kaden in to get his hair cut. Tim kept Karson at home and Kaden and I had some one on one bonding time. After Kaden got his hair cut we returned some movies and enjoyed a nice Vietnamese lunch together at Pho. Yes my 4 year old likes Pho.
When we got home Tim had Karson down for a nap so I went ahead and took one too. Much needed and helped me get through the day.
I am hoping for a better night. Also Kaden is having trouble taking his liquid breathing treatment. It does not taste very well and he spits it out which is a new trick. If he doesn't take it I am going to have to call the doctor to get the machine and mask thing. Please pray he starts taking it. Thank you for reading I know it was a bunch of rambling.
Masks and Hats
Good Find Friday - Boon Frog Pod

This was a gift for Christmas to Karson from Memaw but I use it for both boys. It comes with a couple of ways to attach it: suction cups , very sturdy sticky things, or screws. I attached it with the sticky stuff. It holds up to 3 or 4 bottles of bath products on top and cleaning sponges on the bottom hook to the feet. The toy holder comes off so you can scoop up all the bath toys and just hook it back to the frog pod.

Thursday, January 22, 2009
Sickness Update
I hope this is the last. I took the boys to the doctor this morning.
Kaden: Has bronchitis so he is on a liquid breathing treatment, steroid, and Mucinex. He should be back to his old self in the next few days.
Karson: Ear Infection and a wait and see on the breathing treatments in the next few days we will know we are hoping the prescription clears everything up.
On a better note I took this video last night of Karson. I suggest you turn the sound off because all you hear is my high pitch annoying baby voice encouraging Karson.
Kaden: Has bronchitis so he is on a liquid breathing treatment, steroid, and Mucinex. He should be back to his old self in the next few days.
Karson: Ear Infection and a wait and see on the breathing treatments in the next few days we will know we are hoping the prescription clears everything up.
On a better note I took this video last night of Karson. I suggest you turn the sound off because all you hear is my high pitch annoying baby voice encouraging Karson.
Wednesday, January 21, 2009
There are 3 things in life Kaden cannot live without. I always have to make sure they are packed when we go out of town or if he is not feeling well they have to be close. Last night he woke up and came to wake me up and when I looked up it was a cute sight. My four year old with his hands full trying to carry his 3 comfort items.
What are your comfort items?
Wednesday - Preschool Book Review
Tuesday, January 20, 2009
Sickness Update
Kaden is feeling much better since he started taking Mucinex it is working and fast. I think he will be able to go to school on Thursday.
Karson has a runny nose, cough, and slobbering up a storm. He has been very cuddly today so I know he is feeling bad. No fever thankfully.
Tim is still sick and I am starting to get this stuff. It is hard to keep the germs away when your wiping noses and getting coughed on all day.
I hope we will be done with this stuff soon.
Karson has a runny nose, cough, and slobbering up a storm. He has been very cuddly today so I know he is feeling bad. No fever thankfully.
Tim is still sick and I am starting to get this stuff. It is hard to keep the germs away when your wiping noses and getting coughed on all day.
I hope we will be done with this stuff soon.
What A Day
Sunday, January 18, 2009
Soccer Time
Friday, January 16, 2009
Ready To Get Some Rest
The past few nights have been very hard. Kaden is still sick and Karson has not been sleeping. Karson was up most of the night and I had to check on Kaden to make sure his fever was down and he had something to drink. His coughing is getting better I think the cool mist humidifier is helping with that. He has not wanted to take his medicine and says everything tastes bad so has not had an appetite either. Yesterday I had a full dropper of medicine all over me 3 times from Kaden spitting out. So today I filled up his cup and stirred in his medicine. It worked so I hope he starts feeling better soon.
Bottle Update: Karson is taking a cup very well during the day. Tonight I tried to put him to sleep many times with failed attempts so I decided to just rock him and talk to him and sing and he looked up at me and said baba. Needing sleep I gave in and made him one. He gulped it down and we rocked a little longer and he went to sleep right away. I gave in. That is what lack of sleep will do sometimes.
I have been taking vitamin c drops like crazy so I will stay well.
Good Find Friday - Underarm Thermometer
Thursday, January 15, 2009
Painting Today
Wednesday, January 14, 2009
New PJ's
Today while at Target Kaden found these PJ's and really wanted them. It is not the style I usually get him but they were 70% off. I told him he could put them on when we got home since he is sick. I went out to bring in all the groceries and by the time I got back in the house he had put them on. He is also in a phase that anytime I take a picture of him he makes this pose.
Haircut Gone Bad
I have made it a point to never cut my kids hair. I had a bad experience in the 5th grade and had told myself I would always get the boys haircut by a professional. Till the other day.

I was looking at Kaden's hair and thought I just need to cut the long strand in the middle and that thought lead to this.
We are getting it fixed tomorrow.
For today only you can get a free Sauve product. Just go to this sight SUAVENOMICS.
Sauve gives back.
Sauve gives back.
Wednesday - Preschool Book Review
Tuesday, January 13, 2009
Sick Day
Sunday, January 11, 2009
Emotionally Loaded Day
Even though I have known and I have had time to let it sink in it was still a tough day. Tim explained it well on his blog. Our pastor is not just a pastor to us.
In Tim's Words:
"Today Pastor also shared that he is resigning from LFA. February 22 will be his last Sunday as Pastor, he is retiring from ministry. I have known about it for a while (2 months) and keeping it quiet has been a challenge. Today I experienced sadness but also a little loneliness. I have worked for Pastor for 5 years and he is more than just a Pastor. He is someone I can trust in, believe in and he has cared for me and giving me the opportunity to grow. I have been blessed being around him and I am a better person because of him."
I also had the privilege to be in service today. A whole service. I needed it and Pastor preached a great message.
While writing this tonight it made me think of Pastor and how he came to the hospital when both of my boys were born. He also dedicated my boys.

In Tim's Words:
"Today Pastor also shared that he is resigning from LFA. February 22 will be his last Sunday as Pastor, he is retiring from ministry. I have known about it for a while (2 months) and keeping it quiet has been a challenge. Today I experienced sadness but also a little loneliness. I have worked for Pastor for 5 years and he is more than just a Pastor. He is someone I can trust in, believe in and he has cared for me and giving me the opportunity to grow. I have been blessed being around him and I am a better person because of him."
I also had the privilege to be in service today. A whole service. I needed it and Pastor preached a great message.
While writing this tonight it made me think of Pastor and how he came to the hospital when both of my boys were born. He also dedicated my boys.
This is a picture right after Karson was born. Kaden was really upset right after Karson was born about what the nurses were doing to his baby brother. Pastor took Kaden to the gift shop and let Kaden pick out a Beanie Bear for himself and one for Karson. That Beanie Bear is very special to Kaden.
He is more than just a Pastor.
Getting Close
Karsee has started standing and has even taken some steps this week.
Bottle Update:
Karsee is doing good. He did get upset this afternoon and asked for a baba (bottle) but I just kept handing him his cup of milk.
I have decided to continue his bedtime bottle until he is not fighting the cup anymore during the day.
I Have A Frame Problem
Last night I was going through all of our frames to get pictures ordered to fill them since we are starting to renovate the living room and I would like to have them ready to hang when everything is done. I realized I have a problem. I buy frames I will never fill with pictures. I went through them all and I have a box full I am getting rid of.
Saturday, January 10, 2009
A Team Effort
Instead of rescuing Karsee I took a picture first.
Friday, January 9, 2009
Good Find Friday
Pushable Car
Karson recieved this for Christmas from his Pampa. If you have seen the video on Tim's blog you all can tell how much Karson loves his new ride. We brought it into the house when we got home from our trip and Karsee plays with it all day. He has taught himself to get in and out and even pushes it around the room.
The handle comes off for easy storage and traveling.
Wednesday, January 7, 2009
Tuesday, January 6, 2009
Bottle Update
Monday, January 5, 2009
Bottle Update
Today went well Karson only asked a few times for his baba. I will confess he did get a morning bottle and then one before bed but went without his 2 usual day bottles. Tomorrow he will not get his morning bottle and only have a nighttime bottle.
Goodbye Baba

It's time for the baba (bottle) to go bye bye. For weeks before and after Karsee's Birthday he was sick and not eating well so there was no way I was going to take it away. Then we were going out of town for Christmas so I decided to wait till the first of the year.
So this week is the time to start. I will offer him only a cup when he asks for a baba.
Saturday, January 3, 2009
2009 Renovation's
Renovating the house has been on my To-Do list for a while and now I can say we have started. Tim looked at me yesterday and said lets paint the kitchen. Well there was not much we but Tim worked really hard and now my once blue kitchen is on its way to being more our style. I took pictures before and will continue to as it progresses. I am so excited to see my house transform. I will post before and after when we are done.
Friday, January 2, 2009
Good Find Friday - Itti Bitz
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