Sunday, November 30, 2008
My Shopping List Today

Friday, November 28, 2008
Good Find Friday - Shampoo Rinse Cup
This is a item I use every bath time with the boy. It has been worth every penny of the 5.00 I paid for it. The design keeps the water out of the eyes and actually rinses better and faster than a regular cup. Easy cleaning just throw it in the dishwasher to keep out the mold and it is ready to go for the next bath time. You can even find this at Walmart and Target now.
Thursday, November 27, 2008
Happy Thanksgiving
Boys Night
It took a while for them to settle down and go to bed but they enjoyed it.
Karsee really wanted to join in on the fun.
A Mess
I left him for a few minutes to do laundry the other day and he opened his snacks and emptied them all over the floor. He was so proud of himself.
Annual Sunday Thanksgiving
Uncle Nathan with Karsee
Pawpaw and Tim
Uncle Nathan and Kaden
My Brothers
Wednesday, November 26, 2008
Wednesday - Preschool Book Review
Saturday, November 22, 2008
Thursday: After Karson kept me up till 2:30am because he thought the drive to Dallas was a nice nap we got some rest Thursday morning. For lunch I took the boys to Eat a Thanksgiving lunch with their Grannie the Queen of Books and see the book fair at her school. Kaden picked out a Batman book and Karson a light up Nativity book. The boys took a cute picture with Grannie but I have not had my Camera with me so sorry this post will not contain any pictures. Thursday afternoon we headed to Mesquite and spent the afternoon with my Nanny and my Mom.
Friday: We spent the day with my Nanny and my Mom and did some shopping.
Saturday: Shopping --- The boys were so tired but were pretty good considering what I put them through. I also did some Thanksgiving cooking for the Elam Family Thanksgiving we are going to tomorrow.
I promise to start posting some pictures of our Thanksgiving vacation. Good Night
Friday, November 21, 2008
Good Find Friday - Floppy Seat
I found out about floppy seats when I had Kaden and made sure I kept it because it has come in handy for Karson too. It fits over shopping carts and restaurant highchairs. It has thick padding for a comfortable ride and loops to attach toys. It also folds up for easy travel. It is offered at a better price now than what I paid for it 4 years ago. You can find one for as low as 10.00 plus shipping on ebay.
Wednesday, November 19, 2008
Easy Breezy Recipe - IN A BOX

Wednesday - Preschool Book Review
Tuesday, November 18, 2008

The scenario:
I take Kaden to school at 9:00am. I then run an errand and head home for Karson's nap but he has been beating me to it and going to sleep in the car. I take him in the house and he wakes up and is ready to play. After eating lunch and playing a while he is then ready to go back to sleep at 1pm. That only gives Karson which is a 2-3 hour nap little guy 1 hour. I then wake him up to put him in the car and he doesn't go back to sleep. So now I am trying to get my baby to cry it out and it is killing me. Karson is so good about just letting me lay him down but I have learned it has to be on his terms which are his schedule. I am going to get my crying baby now and I still have not started dinner.
Sunday, November 16, 2008
I had to stay home with Karson today he still has his sickness thing going on.
Friday, November 14, 2008
Good Find Friday - Is it Christmas yet?
Thursday, November 13, 2008
Family Movie Night
I did not really have a theme for tonight just dinner and a movie. Tim came home and made a wonderful dinner while Kaden and I worked hard breaking and making some mini fudge cookies.
Karsee is sick tonight he has a viral rash on his face that is spreading down to his feet with fever. It looks worse than it is. It does not seem to bother him much he is just tired, cuddly, and contagious.
Kaden enjoyed the Kong Fu Panda movie and thought he was Po while getting ready for bed. He has some good Kung Fu moves I just hope he does not try them on his little bro.
Wednesday, November 12, 2008
Wednesday - Preschool Book Review

Read about all the things to be thankful for turkey and pie/ school/ music/Mommy/ Daddy/and family I love.
It also has a page in the back for your child to write what they are thankful for.
Monday, November 10, 2008
Monday Update
Saturday= Kidstation Birthday Party and Youth Bonfire, Cookout, Hayride. My 4 year old kept me laughing all night. He is a ball of energy mixed with excitement I wish was contagious at times. Fun night of making your own hot dog and smores over the fire which I like doing. Thank you Jackie for having us and making some good cookies.
Sunday=I had scheduled myself to be in the service for the first time in two months but had someone call in the last minute so I was a little disappointed I did not get to go. There is a little honesty I am not sure I should share.
Last night I found a sitter for the boys so I could attend our leaders meeting. I really needed it and Tim did a great job speaking. I think he really touched on a subject that so many leaders struggle with - Raising up the next leader and working yourself out of a job. Thank you Suzanne for watching my boys and taking good care of them. I could tell they had a great time.
Monday= Cool rainy fall day and we will be at home all day.
Friday, November 7, 2008
Good Find Friday - Bring Along Thomas

Thursday, November 6, 2008
11 Months Today
Mommy loves you Karsee!
Wednesday, November 5, 2008
President Obama
I read a friends blog this morning and I loved what she had to say about it.
Check it out
Wednesday - Preschool Book Review
Tuesday, November 4, 2008
If I Could Turn Back Time

Monday, November 3, 2008
Did you bite your finger?
Here is the normal scenario:
Kaden is happily eating when all the sudden his face turns sour followed by crying.
We comfort him and then ask him if he has bit his finger and he nods yes.
It is usually followed by a visit from Booboo bunny and then everything is ok.
Saturday, November 1, 2008
Light House Adventure Night
Then I took the boys with me to vote. Sorry no horror story of long lines here.
But the best part of our day was going to the
Karsee and his friend from chruch they smile when they see each other.
Highlights of our night:
- Kaden saw someone in a bigfoot costume and said "I told you bigfoot was real".
- Kaden and Karson in the jumphouse together.
- Karson yelling "Baba" from one house to another because he was ready for a bottle.
- Seeing our Church out in the community.
- Seeing so many families I didn't know.
He is getting around...
Yesterday while Kaden took a nap Karsee's afternoon adventures included:
Getting stuck under the kitchen table.
and waking up Kaden from his nap.