Sunday, May 31, 2009
LFA Picnic
Friday, May 29, 2009
Tuesday, May 26, 2009
Good Find - Leap Frog DVD's
A couple of years ago I bought this DVD for Kaden. He watched it all the time and knew most of his letters and the sounds they make going into Pre-K. At his Pre-school graduation his teacher recommended it to the parents who's kid's were struggling with letter recognition and sounds. Kaden still likes to watch it. You can find the Leap Frog series at Target and Walmart for around $10.00.
Kaden has been struggling with number recognition so I bought the Leap Frog Math Circus. We are working on a number a week right now till he can recognize 1-10. He has no problem counting to 20 but recognizing number 6-10 has been hard for him. The 6,8,9 all look alike to him.
There are a few more Leap Frog DVD's that help with early reading skills too.
Sunday, May 24, 2009
Good Find
Saturday, May 23, 2009
Karsee Crockett
For Tim's Birthday we went to the Boardwalk in Shreveport LA to eat and then took the boys to the Bass Pro Shop. I put this hat on Karsee and he walked around with a big smile entertaining us and anybody that happened to walk by.
Thursday, May 21, 2009
The Grocery Game
A few tips...
- I am buying more generic. Only certain generics not all are the way to go. I also have brand loyalty to certain brands.
- I follow a few blogs that have taught me a few tricks to this game.
- I buy the Dallas paper because it has better coupons in it.
This week I saved close to 50.00 on my grocery bill.
Blogs to follow.
Wednesday, May 20, 2009
The class did a presentation for the parents.
Something happened to my camera as Kaden recieved his diploma. So when I ever get around to my boys scrapbooks this is what I have.
Prep work for the big day.
AND THEN there are the other days when you wake up and make birthday cards for Daddy because we love him so much.
AND THEN make a video singing happy birthday.
AND THEN make a special trip to the store to buy a brownie mix and icecream for Daddy.
AND THEN cut many strips of paper to make chains because Kaden has cool ideas like that.
AND THEN cook dinner while the boys are quietly playing together and SHARING.
Monday was such a nice day the boys and I shared together I loved having so many little helping hands to make a Birthday special for Tim.Tuesday, May 19, 2009
Happy Birthday from your lil' rockers.
Even though Kaden's Pre-K graduation is today the boys and I have plans to make this day special for him...
Monday, May 18, 2009
Karson wants to be a Bobcat.
Sunday, May 17, 2009
7 Years
7 years ago today was my wedding day. I remember spending weeks and weeks planning and only thinking about that day. I remember the first time Tim and I walked through the place we would have our wedding. I remember waking up at 6am that morning and it was storming not a good sign for a outside wedding but it ended up being a nice spring evening. It was a beautiful wedding and just like I imagined it. Before I knew it it was over and now is a beautiful distant memory. Our first year was an experience and so was our first place (another blog post in itself). I look at where we are now and how God has blessed us. I can say these seven years have shaped me into who I am today. I love you Tim and even though this day can be lost in the shuffle and business of our life I am so happy I have been blessed to spend 7 years married to you.
Saturday, May 16, 2009
Soccer Day
The Bobcats
Friday, May 15, 2009
The Harbor
As you can see there is never a dull moment. I love my family.
Rangers Game
The Train
On Tuesday while we were in Dallas we took the boys on the train downtown. Kaden loved riding on the train he just staired out the window. His favorite part was that he did not have to wear a seatbelt.
While we were walking downtown we found a fountain. Kaden played and played. It was a hot day.Karson was so tired he was asleep within minutes of getting into the car.
Thursday, May 14, 2009
Monday, May 11, 2009
Friday, May 8, 2009
Good Find - Snack Trap