Tuesday, March 31, 2009
The last pair.
Monday, March 30, 2009
Sunday, March 29, 2009
He loves books.
Thursday, March 26, 2009
First Day of School
Karson is going to MDO for 2 weeks so I can get some work done at church. I got a great report from the school. They said he enjoyed himself and just fit in well with the class. Karson is my outgoing and easygoing child. When I was told he would take a nap on a nap mat I told them they may have a problem because he is very attached to his bed. They showed me. He took a good nap on a big boy nap mat with his class.
Wednesday, March 25, 2009
Monday, March 23, 2009
Ear Infections
Karson is having ear infections back to back right now about every 3 weeks. We went through this with Kaden. Right now it is a waite and see till the end of summer and if the ear infections continue through the summer we will get a referrell to be evaluated for tubes.
This time around Karson has a strong antibiotic that is upsetting his stomach and causing him to have some painful side effects. Nothing life threatening just painful and normal with antibiotics. I wish I could just take the pain away.
Sunday, March 22, 2009
You are getting very sleepy.

Sleepy Head
Saturday, March 21, 2009
The laugh that tells all.
The sunrise and the back porch.
Kaden went to the linen closet the other day and found a Christmas blanket I made a long time ago and wrapped up in it.
When I went to check on Karson the other day it looked like he just fell asleep in the middle of playing.
Time to call the doctor.
Friday, March 20, 2009
Good Find Friday - Pancake Face
Ihop has one of the best kids menu's I have seen. There are 2 different menus healthy and non-healthy. Kaden ordered a Pancake face. It comes with strawberry eyes, bannana nose and mouth, and a gogurt which is yogurt for your child to decorate it even more. When it came out it was the biggest pancake I have ever seen. Kaden was nice and shared with his little bro. It feeds 2 kids easily and is priced great to feed 2 kids.
Thursday, March 19, 2009
Pink Is For Girls.
Cheer up Abby
This is the picture I sent.
Here is the wall in Abby's hospital room. I circled Kaden's picture.
I am so happy we helped cheer Abby up. She will be in the hospital for a while. The Riggs family has a goal to fill up every wall in her room with pictures.
Here is the post about the purple tongues. CLICK HERE
To read this blog about a special little girl that needs prayer. CLICK HERE
Wednesday, March 18, 2009
Wednesday - Preschool Book Review

Who Stole The Cookies?
By Judith Moffatt
"Who stole the cookies from the cookie jar?" The Cat, Puppy, and Mouse all deny stealing the cookies. Each suggests a different suspect. Read to find out just who stole the cookies from the cookie jar.
This week I was inspired. I will confess that when I bought Girl scout cookies this year I put 2 boxes away for myself and left the rest for everyone else only touching my stash. The other night I got them out to share a few with Kaden and they were almost gone. I knew I had not eaten that many.
I quickly text Tim with a message. I think the texts went like this.
Amy: I see you found my stash.
Tim: What?
Amy: The Girl scout cookies.
Tim: You had a stash of Girl scout cookies?
I knew that if Tim did it he would not lie to me about it. Tim also suggested the other suspect in the house. I just thought that there was no way it could be Kaden. So I went back to his bed and asked him and with a guilty look on his face he denied it. A few minutes later I hear Kaden calling me. I go back to his room and he confesses and you could just see the load lift off his shoulders. It took everything in me to keep from laughing. I could just picture our little cookie monster tiptoeing into our room like mission impossible eating cookies. I owed Tim a big apology.
Monday, March 16, 2009
I give up.
We have tried to make a rule that it is ok to change as long as you put the old outfit back in the drawer. I also have the OCD thing where I like all the cloths folded when they are in the drawer that I am folding all this stuff at the end of the day. I also have a laundry problem that if I am unsure if it is clean or dirty I just wash it. I have decided to let him use his imagination but the rule is that he has to help me clean it up before bed and I am giving up the folding thing for right now as long as the cloths are put away.
Sunday, March 15, 2009
Saturday, March 14, 2009
The Little Gentleman
Referee 101
1. Give it to the child who owns it?
2. Do you take your oldests word for it?
3. My youngest does not have a full vocabulary. Then when they can both talk what do you do?
4. Do you take it away from both of them since they did not share?
5. Do you encourage your kids to share all their toys with each other with no ownership?
I have started the say your sorry and give the other a hug thing but it seems like forced love.
Just asking. I need some advice, comments, and ideas. I am new to this mother of 2 thing.
Friday, March 13, 2009
Good Find Friday - Bath Towels For Little Ones
Kaden's Speedracer towel would serve better as a summer towel for swimming because it doesn't keep him as warm as he would like. I think he would do better with big super hero beach towel for bath time but the hooded towel is a great design for the summer swimming months. It also lights up.
Thursday, March 12, 2009

He is a good climber.
He is not happy with the average baby sippy cup. He wants his brothers and if it is in his reach he will take it and run.
Kaden is a big music fan. His favorite music right now is the Jonas Brothers but he also loves Toby Mac and Hillsongs Kids. He is my little Rocker Cool Guy. It is hard to get pictures and video of Kaden because most of the time he says no or gets shy when the camera comes out. He did let me video his rock star Bonus Jonas (this is what Kaden calls himself) concert . I will let him take the blog out. Make sure to watch till the end when Kaden breaks it down and Karsee shows you his dancing skills. Hope you enjoy.
Kaden Bonus Jonas from Tim Gabbard on Vimeo.
Uploading problems
Saturday, March 7, 2009
Daylight Savings
Friday, March 6, 2009
Karson turned 15 months old today. He is in a curious stage you can just see him soaking in the world like a sponge. He points to everything as to say tell me what that is. He also points to say I want that. He will try and try to do something till he figures it out. He loves for someone to chase after him I am usually willing to because I get rewarded with a baby belly laugh.
Thursday, March 5, 2009

So now I have to wait two whole weeks 14 days to get some answers.
Wednesday, March 4, 2009
So our family sickness stuff continues. Tim woke up really sick with a stomach virus or food poisoning. Hoping for food poisoning because it is not contagious. I do not ever remember our family being sick like this ever. We usually get it and then we are over it. The boys get colds and and ear infections but not all this.
Here are a few of my favorites:
" I am getting a robot dog and naming him sweaty pits"
" My mommy said if I come into your class today and stay I get an ice cream"
and yesterday........ "My Mommy hurt her back and she cannot pick things up so she makes me do it".
Ok I confess I have been asking my son to pick things up for me. I do not always do this but I really need the help right now and he seemed so willing to help.
The teacher then asked me if I was ok. I told her about the back pain and she said well "your not as young as you used to be". I did not take offense I really like her and could not ask for a better teacher for Kaden. I was shocked I am young I am in my twenties. For some reason I go around with the mind set that I am in my young twenties because there is no way that time as flown by so fast. But I am facing the reality that in about a month I will be really close to turning 30. In just a couple of years I will be 30.
I guess I am not as young as I used to be and pains are not always something you can just sleep or walk off. Sometimes you have to bring out the anti inflammatories and icy hot.
Wednesday - Preschool Book Review

Tuesday, March 3, 2009
Redbox - Update
Monday evening I noticed the shot area where Kaden got his shots 3 weeks ago did not look right. It was really red and looked bad. I looked at the paperwork his doctor gave me and it said that if a rash occurs call the doctor right away. He has also not been himself the past few days. So as soon as I read that after he went to bed the Mommy in me started worrying. The spot has been red for weeks since the shots but not a like it was last night. I just beat myself up thinking I must have not been paying attention what if he has been in pain. Is he having some bad reaction to the shots that are suppose to keep him healthy. So this morning as soon as I could I called the doctor and left a message. The doctor wanted to see Karson this afternoon. I picked up Kaden from school and we went in to the doctor. The doctor looked him over he also wanted to check his ears since they were so infected last time and then looked at his throat, teeth, and the area on his leg. He said I got three things. 1. His ears look great. 2.He is working on two molars at once. 3. He has __________ _________ (I don't remember the medical terms) dermatitis which means he is allergic to band aids. I felt so stupid until he said it was good you came in because he does need a cream to clear it up. I think I laughed at loud when he said allergic to band aids because I was so relieved he was not having a reaction to the shots.
Right after that was all done and we left we had about 30 minutes till soccer practice. Kaden did much better tonight. They scrimmaged the same team from Saturday.
We also found out tonight Kaden will be having his soccer pictures on Saturday with his team and individually.
That's it tonight. I have been having some back and leg pain so I am going to medicate myself and go to bed.