Friday, April 17, 2009

Trip Update

We are enjoying our trip in Dallas. We have visited almost everybody except Grannie and Papa but we are looking forward to having dinner with them tonight. Kaden has had a blast playing with his cousins he will have a hard time leaving them. Kaden and his cousin Kevin have been buddies and have not left each others side easily they are 12 days shy of being exactly a year apart. Kaden and Kevin had a sleep over last night and then he will get to have lunch with all his cousins on my side today at Mcdonalds For Lunch. I have been taking more pictures and have some blogs brewing even something that could be the best good find friday ever. Karsee is a little under the weather he is cutting 2 molars and 4 other teeth at once I have counted almost 5 teeth this week. That has to be a world record or something. He is tough little guy it looks painful.He has some major drainage and some signs of a ear infection but I am keeping it monitored closely. My Sister-in-law and myself had to take him for a drive last night.

My sickness cold stuff is almost gone I am feeling the best I have in a month it seems my cold and horrible cough up a lung cough was just allergies.

We will be heading home tomorrow after lunch and maybe stoping by Tanger Outlet Mall for some shoping in Terrell.

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